Guides for girls aged 10 to 15 Mondays and Wednesdays in the Memorial Halls.
2nd Giffnock Guides meet on a Monday night from 7.15pm until 9pm in the Memorial Halls.
We are an active unit with lots of activities and "Go For It's" going on! Already this year we have been outdoor ice skating at George Square, been to the Science Centre and done a lot of cooking! If you would like to join (ages 10-14) then please telephone: Mrs. Alison Bell 0141 632 9955 or email although priority will be given to girls in the Brownies at Orchardhill already.
2nd A Giffnock Guides meet on a Wednesday night 7.00 until 9pm in the Memorial Halls.
We enjoy a variety of activities ranging from the challenge of a rain-soaked day at Castle Semple outdoor activity centre to making up Christmas cakes in the traditional way. Trips and cooking are generally popular, but we also take part in community events and work at the Go For It challenges.
As with all other organisations, extra help is always appreciated and sometimes essential to allow girls to continue enjoying Guiding. So, if interested in more information about our unit, please contact Gillian Henry 638 7834