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Sunday Family Service

Stream Quality

Over the last few weeks  we have been aware of a deteriorating quality of stream resulting in stutter and frame freeze. This week we are trying some new equipment to overcome this problem. However it is untested in a live service situation and if the quality is not correct we will upload a recorded version later in the day om our YouTube channel.


A Warm Welcome Awaits You All.

 Welcome to our Family Service  live from the Sanctuary of Orchardhill Parish Church

Today's service will be lead by Rev Gillian Rooney

Our Service begins at 10:15 am

Below is  Sunday, 23rd March 2025.

Press play in the centre to connect.

You may have to refresh your browser page if you get an error message

Our family service from Orchardhill will stream Live here

 "Welcome to Orchardhill The Family's Church"

" The Family's Church "

We are linked with Merrylea Parish Church. Their service normally starts at 11:30 with Tea and Coffee beforehand. It is "in Church" only. That service is usually lead by Rev Gillian Rooney.


If on your device or tablet the screen is being obscured by the header band, then you may find it better watching directly on  our youTube channel Click on this button:-





Order of service is listed below

Order of Service    

 If you missed any of the online services they're on catch-up Here

Please report any issue you have with the live stream to

Order of Service

This is our order of service for this week.

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