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Wednesday Brownies

 2nd A Giffnock Brownies


The 2nd A Giffnock Brownie pack is run at Orchardhill Parish Church on a Wednesday night from 6.15pm till 7.30pm in the church hall.

Our unit has been running for over sixty years.

Once enrolled in the brownies the girls learn about the brownie story, the promise and the law which teaches the girls about the values and aims of being a brownie. They will make their promise with their fellow new brownies on a Wednesday evening in front of their parents and the other members of the brownies.

At Brownies, we follow the brownie programme and work towards the various themes. This allows the girls to earn different badges.

These themes are:  Know Myself,    Express Myself,   Be Well,     Have Adventures,   Take Action,   and  Skills for My Future, so there is something for everyone.

We also enjoy arts and crafts, playing games, and lots of singing!

If you are interested in joining our pack, you can register your daughter's interest by visiting the Girlguiding website, and following the key stages in the Join us online registration process.

For any other enquiries please contact us at

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