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Black Door Shop "Who We Are"




Welcome to

 The Black Door Shop


Opening hours

Monday  10 am - 4 pm

Tuesday  10 am - 4 pm

Wednesday  Closed

Thursday 10am - 4 pm

Friday   Closed

Saturday 9am  - 2 pm 


We are a group of community volunteers.


On Saturdays we regularly have a team of around 20 litter pickers out early followed by 7 donation sorters with another  5 helping them  carry in donations.


We need more volunteers to help carry in and sort our donations on a Saturday. Would you like to be involved in our community activities?



Facilities on offer.


Re Use Items 

We operate a household donation drop off facility and now supply 2 vans and a car each week loaded with community donations to partner charities. Through community donations over 700 people in temporary accommodation are provided with clothing 3 times per week. Through partner charities we supply the items listed below


Clothes  for all ages.

Crockery, cutlery, kettle, teapots, toasters, microwave ovens, dish towels, etc for the kitchen.


Hand and bath towels, bedding including duvets and pillows.  Pictures for walls, televisions* , table lamps.


Children’s toys and games. Baby prams, bikes and lots more. In fact almost everything that is still in good working order


Through this initiative and the community action  over 75 tons of material are diverted from landfill and get a second life.

Unfortunately we cannot accept furniture,beds or large kitchen items such as ovens, hobs, fridges/freezers and washing machines/tumble dryers.

Litter Picking

We gather every Saturday at 7.45am and set out to uplift litter in Giffnock. This is a great community driven initiative. With up to 3 teams heading out comprised of young and the not so young we uplift litter. Approximately 500 bags are lifted every year through this initiative.


We also would like to receive any laptops lying at home or work not being used because a new one has been bought. We will take your old laptop and will give you back the hard drive from it, if you wish. We will replace the drive with a new drive and put freeware software on it and provide it to students living in East Ren to help further their education. 

If you know of any business or company who may be disposing of any laptops please tell them about our initiative. 

This is a fairly new initiative. To date we have supplied 17 re purposed laptops which users report favourably that the Linux software we install has the old tired laptop running smoothly.

Pop up Food Preparation Skill Sharing  Sessions

Coming soon places to join us in small groups to find out ‘ how to’ prepare family meals without recourse to fast foods

Pop up Life Skill Sharing Sessions

We will soon be offering places to join us for small group sessions.

If you would like to share a skill get in touch.

We are compiling a list of skills  that people have to share and skills desired  by others.

Repair Workshop

As members of Circular Communities Scotland we will provide a ranges of tools to borrow.

The ethos is quite simple. Not everyone needs to have every tool. If your lawnmower breaks or you need a wallpaper scraper or some other tool contact us.

We operate a membership scheme and for a small donation, items can be borrowed.


We can also take in items to be repaired in our workshop. Please get in touch to discuss your project.



* Legislation provides all items we receive must be able to be reused. This means we cannot accept items that don’t work or are worn done, have no power chord or remote control. These items are considered suitable to be recycled and require registration as a waste carrier.

Full Details on request are available. 


If you would like to volunteer in any aspect of our outreach, you can join our happy team by popping in for a chat.


Directions to The Black Door Shop


Proceed from Fenwick Road onto Church Road.  Go up the hill towards Orchardhill Parish Church and turn left at the top of the hill onto Rosslea Drive.

Proceed downhill for about 20 metres and turn right into the car park at the back of the Memorial Halls. The shop is located at the far gable end of the building at the turning circle. 

Bear in mind please the turning circle is used by adjacent residents who need access. 


Volunteers Wanted

If you have any spare time and would like to help develop this great community initiative please contact us

All volunteers under 25 will qualify for Saltire Awards. See for further details  


If you have any questions about The Black Door Shop please email

Or message @theblackdoorshop on facebook.


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