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Update your email and address details

Please help the minister and the office keep in touch with you by supplying us with your email and mobile number. We will not be bombarding you with stuff or calls but just in case we feel that you should have some important information then we can contact you.


Sunday Morning worship continues at 10:30 am in Church and our live stream on the website

You can also join us for quiet time, a time for quiet prayer and reflection, on Wednesday evenings at 7pm details for this are on the website along with other activities you can join in..



GDPR Consent

By submitting your information either on paper or by electronic means,  you are consenting to the use by Orchardhill Parish Church of the personal information provided  for Congregational purposes.

Please note that the information provided will be retained by us for as long as it is required for the purpose for which it was collected or unless you tell us otherwise.  A copy of our full Privacy Notice can be found on our website, here:-

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