Welcome to Orchardhill

 Family Worship 

in Church or Online@ 10:30 am

 All are Welcome. 

David Reid Memorial Trophy

Please Note a Change of Date to 24th August 2024


Members and friends of Orchardhill are invited to the Whitecraigs Golf Course on Saturday 24 August, for an afternoon round, followed by food, refreshment and convivial prize-giving in the clubhouse.

The winner on Stableford points will receive the beautiful David Reid Memorial Trophy, presented in 2002 by his widow, Shiona, in memory of a highly accomplished golfer and committed Elder at Orchardhill.

There will be several supplementary prizes, and costs will be kept low by utilising the 'Wee’ course (two rounds), and by the signing in of non-members by the Whitecraigs member contingent.

We encourage golfers of all standards to express interest to Graham Cartlidge 

Non-golfers will be welcome to join us in the clubhouse for the post -round meal at approximately 5.15pm, and for conversation and fellowship.


 Carnwadric ( Helping Hands ) Food Bank  

 We continue our collection for Carnwadric food bank  with the following foods required this week: 

 Tinned Vegetables,    Soups,   Tuna,   tinned Macaroni,   tinned spagetti,   Mince,    Meats,   Custard,   Fruit,   Rice, or other canned  items Sugar   Sauces for mixing with Pasta,   Cartons of UHT Long Life Milk,or   Small cartons of Juice or bottles of diluting juice,   Deoderant Soap,   Shampoo,   Toothpaste,   Mouthwash,  Shaving Foam or Gel   Disposable razors.

 Drop off to the tower door Sunday 10-12 noon 

 See Urgent needs  


CrossWords Meets every Monday

evening for music, fun  and


Join them by 

Contacting Lindsay Barr at CrossWords 


Link to our Webpage

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
James 1:21
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