Welcome to Orchardhill

 Family Worship 

in Church or Online@ 10:15am

 All are Welcome. 

 Carnwadric ( Helping Hands ) Food Bank  

 We continue our collection for Carnwadric food bank  with the following foods required this week:  Tinned Vegetables, Soups, Tuna, tinned Macaroni, tinned spagetti, Mince, Meats, Custard, Fruit, Rice, or other canned items Sugar Sauces for mixing with Pasta, Cartons of UHT Long Life Milk, or Small cartons of Juice or bottles of diluting juice, Deoderant Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Shaving Foam or Gel  Disposable razors.

 Drop off to the tower door Sunday 10-12 noon 


Biscuits, Long life milk, Tinned Meals - Irish stew, meatballs, tinned curry, hotdogs, spaghetti bolognaise, tinned mince, tinned stew
Tinned meat/fish  Tinned vegetables  -tinned Carrots, tinned sweetcorn, tinned peas, tinned potatoes 
Vegetarian meals - macaroni cheese, vegetable bolognaise vegetable curry etc 


Now Weekly throughout Term Time



CrossWords Meets every Monday

evening for music, fun  and


Join them by 

Contacting Lindsay Barr at CrossWords 


Link to our Webpage

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
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